Last week i had to say goodbye to my little dog ringo , i had to take him to his new home with very good friends of mine , janet and rob , and their daughter kirsty , who are the best people i could  have ever wished for my little dog to go too , i know he will be loved and cherished by all the family , even the kids , but that does not take away from it being a massive wrench for me and a really heartbreaking thing to have to do . i was in tears round the corner after dropping him off , now i know the people who are not animal lovers among you will just think oh get over it ,, but as the dog lovers among my friends will know , they are part of the family and you do get attached to them , he has been with me since he was 8 weeks old and ive loved him all of the time since then , but i had to do what was right for ringo , and not be selfish , i could have kept him and left him alone for 12 hours at a time while i was at work , but that would have been cruel , so i had little or no choice and had to find a good home for him , which as ive said i have done , and the best bit is as they are friends of mine i can keep up with how he is and even go and see him from time to time , so really the best outcome we could have hoped for ,,,, i do miss him though and the place is so quiet without him , but time will ease the pain ,,, love you ringo and love all my friends see  you all soon , also this week me and a lot of friends of mine have lost one of our mates who sadly passed away last week , his name was danny , he was only 47 but had cancer and the doctors could not do anything for him , so me and the walshaw massive will be giving him a proper walshaw send off on thursday ,, so my thoughts are with all our mates and all of dannys  extended family ,,,, RIP danny mate , your place at the bar will be there forever xxxxxxxxxxxxxx not 2 of my better weeks im afraid but life goes on and what does not kill us makes us stronger so im told xxx thanks again for all your support